High Sierra 10.13.5
- i3 8100
- ASUS h110m-k d3 MATX board (Add micro code to BIOS, support i3 8100)
- 8G x 2 DDR3 1600 RAM (For AMD only)
- Micron 1100 256 GB Solid State Drive
- Huntkey SUPER 400N 300 Watt SMPS
- Fenvi FV-T919 BCM94360 WiFi/Bluetooth PCI-E card
The build use integrated graphics Intel UHD 630. The Fenvi FV-T919 card can be driven directly without any changes. I can use my old apple keyboard and trackpad perfectly.
Update BIOS for ASUS motherboard
ASUS h110m-k d3 can't support i3 8100 directly. But I bought the motherboard from taobao and the seller changed the BIOS to ASRock motherboard already. The motherboard can work with i3 8100 directly but many options are missed for ASUS motherboard T_T I re-flashed another BIOS file from here. Please note: the default CPU core voltage is too high for i3 8100 in the new BIOS. I change it to 1.040 volt. I re-flashed a modified BIOS here. The BIOS supports 1.040 CPU volt default.
See the section "Recommended BIOS Settings" at tonymacx86 For iGPU i3 8100, add the bios option
- Graphics Configuration → DVMT Pre-Allocated : 128MB
The Installation
I followed the Installation Guide at tonymacx86. I used UniBeast to create a bootable High Sierra install on a 16GB USB drive to both format the internal SSD and install macOS.
Options for UniBeast:
- PCI Devices
- USB Ownership
- USB InjectAll
Problem: The USB keyboard and mouse can't work at the installation screen. I copied the USBInjectAll.kext to /EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other and it works again.
Post installation for MultiBeast
- UEFI Boot mode
- Drivers > Audio > Realtek ALCxxx > ALC887/888b
- Drivers > Misc > FakeSMC
- Drivers > Network > Realtek > RealtekRTL8111 v2.2.2
- Drivers > USB > Remove XHCI USB port limit
- Drivers > USB > USBInjectAll
- Graphics > Intel Graphics Fixup
- SMBIOS: 17,1
For Intel UHD 630 graphics:
I copied drivers from RehabMan EFI/CLOVER/Kexts/Other:
- AppleIntelKBLGraphicsFramebufferInjector_3e9x.kext
- FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext
- FakePCIID.kext
- IntelGraphicsFixup.kext
- Lilu.kext
- Shiki.kext
Edit config.plist with Clover Configurator
- Bootflag: shikigva=1
- Devices/FakeID/IntelGFX: 0x3E928086
- Graphics: Inject Intel - Empty ig-platform-id
- SMBIOS: 17,1
- Sleep: Can't wake from sleep mode
Update From 10.13.6 To 10.14.0
- Install latest Lilu.kext and WhatEverGreen.kext
- Install Multibeast 11 (not available yet)
- Remove:
- FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext
- AppleIntelKBLGraphicsFramebufferInjector_3e9x.kext
- IntelGraphicsFixup.kext
- Shiki.kext
- Bootflag: shikigva=1
- Devices/FakeID/IntelGFX: 0x3E928086
- Install Mojave from App Store
- Follow the link Mojave AppleHDA Audio to remove old realtekALC and install AppleALC
Update From 10.14 To 10.15
- I added a RX560 for support multiple monitors
- Install latest Lilu, WhatEverGreen and AppleALC
- Disable the UHD 630 in BIOS
- Install Catalina from App Store